Adopted: 2/13/06
The Board of Trustees recognizes that records generated by and for the operation of the library are public documents, excluding user information, including but not limited to:
- Board of Trustees’ Minutes
- Library Director’s Reports to the Board of Trustees
- Receipts and expenditures
- Salary schedules and position descriptions
- Safety and health materials
- Contracts
- Policy statements
As such, the Board of Trustees recognizes that these public records are open to public review.
- A request to review public records must be made to the Library Director or his/her designated person/s, who is to respond to the request within a reasonable amount of time. On-site review of public records is made in the presence of the Library Director or his/her designated person/s.
- Copies of public records may be requested. Copies are made by the library and provided to the requester at the duplication charge that is currently assessed by the library for photocopies. Full payment must be received before copies are given to the requester.
- Any requests by mail to review public records should be made to the Library Director. The Director is to respond to the request within ten (10) business days, stating the costs of making copies available and any mailing or delivery costs.
- Prepayment of copying and delivery costs is required.
- Mail or delivery of requested copies is to be made within ten (10) business days after receipt of full payment for copying and delivery.
- A mail request for copies of public records is presumed to have been received by the library on the third (3) business day following the postmark of the request.
- The library does not ask about the identity of the requester or the intended use of any requested public document, except when necessary to facilitate compliance with a request.