Adopted: 6/12/06
The Canal Fulton Public Library welcomes and encourages children to use its facilities and services. However, the responsibility for the care, safety, and behavior of children using the library rests solely with the parent/guardian or caregiver. To that end, the library has developed the following procedures to guide staff in dealing with unattended minors:
Breakdown of Ages:
- Children through age 6 must have a parent or caregiver in the immediate vicinity. It is NOT acceptable to leave a child unattended in the children’s department.
- Children 7 to 12 years may use the Library unattended. However, parents are still responsible for the actions of their children.
- Young adults 13 to 17 years are treated as adult patrons in this policy. However, parents are still responsible for the actions of their children.
General Guidelines/Procedures:
- If a behavioral issue arises, the parents will be contacted and expected to take action. Otherwise, the young adult may be asked to leave the library under the existing Patron Conduct policy.
- The Library reserves the right to determine when a minor must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or assigned caregiver.
Closing Time Guidelines/Procedures:
- If a child is left unattended at closing time, 2 staff members will remain in the building with the child. Staff are to make all attempts to contact the parent/guardian or caregiver to pick up the child. This is compensated time for the 2 staff members who remain.
- If attempts are unsuccessful after 30 minutes, staff will contact the Canal Fulton Police Department to pick up the child.
- Staff will notify the Director that the police have been called. The staff must remain with the child until the parent/caregiver or the police arrive.
- If the police department picks up the child, a note will be left on the Library’s doors stating, “Unattended child is in the custody of the Canal Fulton Police Department at 1165 Locust St. SE; telephone #: 330-854-2926.” An incident report form will be completed and submitted to the Library Director, and a copy provided to the Canal Fulton Police Department when the police department is called.
- Under no circumstances should an employee leave the library with the child in his/her custody.