The Canal Fulton Public Library has reopened our building to the public – on a very limited basis.
We’re pleased to announce that on Monday, July 6th, we reopened to the public. We are as excited to welcome you back to the library as you are to return, but it will not be business as usual. We ask for your patience and cooperation.
Our top priority is the health and safety of our staff and customers. That means continuing to follow the orders and guidance coming from Governor DeWine, the Ohio Department of Health and local public health officials.
We are eager for your return, but want you to know that trips to the library will look different. For the health of public and staff alike, everyone entering the building must wear a mask, unless excepted for health, medical, or religious reasons. All others will be referred to curbside service. “Sneeze guards” are in place at the service desks. There will be only one chair at each table, and “CAUTION” tape on the other chairs and computer carrels. The materials in isolation and other areas will be taped off, and 6’ physical distancing signs on the floor. You won’t be able to come and relax, lounge, socialize, drink coffee, attend story time, or play games.
We ask that you please read and understand the following new protocols in order to make your library visits pleasant and simple. We ask for your flexibility and patience as we do all we can to make everything as safe and easy as possible for both you and our staff.
Outside the Library:
- To browse and access our many digital resources that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, go to www.canalfultonlibrary.org
- Wifi is available in our parking lot.
- Curbside service provided for pick up of materials, please call ahead 330-854-4148.
- Summer Reading Club Activities: Each week the library will have a theme along with activities. You can pick up a weekly themed grab and go bag with activities and either a craft or STEM project. You can also access the content through the library’s website. Please visit https://www.canalfultonlibrary.org/new-items/children/ for this week’s theme along with our outdoor scavenger hunt!
Inside the Library:
- Everyone is required to wear a mask/face covering over both their mouth and nose for the duration of their time inside the library. This requirement does not apply to children under the age of 2 or to those unable to do so due to a medical condition, or for religious reasons.
- If you do not wish to wear a mask, you are able to receive library materials via curbside pickup or at the soon to be installed walkup service drawer to the right of the parking lot entrance.
- The library has a limited number of masks to supply to those that do not have one.
- Please utilize the hand sanitizer station upon entry.
- Maintain six feet of distance between yourself and others.
- Please enter and exit through the main (parking lot) door so we can keep an accurate count.
- Occupancy is limited to 16 people. For this reason, we ask that you limit your stay inside the library to a half hour and not utilize the seating for reading. For now, please plan to exit the library once you have found the materials you desire.
- Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Please help your small and school-age children “social distance.” The children’s play areas are temporarily closed, and the toys have been removed for safety.
- Teens 13 through 17 will be allowed to visit the Library on their own for a half hour as long as they follow social distancing guidelines.
- Please use the parking lot entrance only. The ground level door on Market Street will be for emergency exit only. The lower level Children’s entrance will be available for the handicapped.
- There is a timeslot of 9:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Monday through Saturday specifically for seniors and immune compromised.
- You will be asked to wash your hands before and after using a computer, and computer stations will be sanitized between uses.
- Technology trainer appointments for technology assistance are available by calling
- A limited number of public computers are available to allow for social distancing.
- Patrons are asked to insert a provided sanitation sleeve over the keyboard and mouse prior to beginning use and to remove and throw away the sleeves upon completion.
- Computer use is limited to one session per patron per day.
- Staff assistance is limited in order to maintain social distance.
- Computer reservations can be made in advance by calling ahead.
- Please do not re-shelve items. If you change your mind about an item simply place it on a table.
- The copier is self-serve only.
- Hand sanitizer is available at every service desk.
- Food and drink are prohibited inside the library.
- Read newspapers and magazines at your own risk.
Picking up Holds:
Once you receive notice that your holds are available, bring your library card and pick them up via:
- Curbside service. Soon we will be transitioning to walkup service.
- Assistance from a staff member at the circulation desk – please hold your library card up so that the barcode can be scanned.
Returning Items:
Please return materials into the book drops. Staff cannot take materials from you. This includes curbside and walkup patrons – please utilize the book drops for returned materials. Items that you return will still appear on your card for a few days after they are returned as we are quarantining materials for 72 hours prior to re-shelving.
A Note About Cleaning Items:
We are quarantining all returned items for 72 hours. If you feel you need to further clean an item once you have checked it out, please do not use disinfectant wipes. They are too harsh for many of our materials and may cause damage.
Please avoid the barcode when wiping down materials. It makes it unreadable to our scanners. Please do not soak materials or get pages wet.
For specific questions, please email info@canalfultonlibrary.org or call 330-854-4148.
While measures are taken by the library to reduce spread of disease, (such as quarantine of returned items), it is a public space. It is recommended that the same hygiene processes practiced in other public spaces are utilized in the library. This includes frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, using hand sanitizer, and not touching your face.
As always, Coronavirus.Ohio.Gov and the Department of Health hotline, 1-833-4-ASK-ODH are great resources for those who have questions.
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David Brown, Director
154 E. Market St.
Canal Fulton, OH
330- 854-4148 extension 306